They make a beer with shower and laundry wastewater

Act. at 08:15


A company from the United States manages to create the product after a series of rigorous filtering and biological treatments

Beer made with purified waters shower and laundry. That is, nothing more and nothing less, what a company in the United States has just manufactured, which wants to demonstrate to what extent an element that is traditionally considered totally useless waste can be reused.

This American company, Epic Cleantechas produced a craft beer following the German style, using recycled wastewater as a key ingredient.

The beer, which has been named Epic OneWater Brewis produced using recycled water from showers, laundries and sinks in the forty-story building called Fifteen Fifty in San Francisco. Systems have been installed there to collect, treat and reuse water.

This is the beer | Epiccleantec

It must be taken into account that the city of San Francisco is known internationally for being at the forefront of environmental regulations, and in this context, systematically promotes all urban projects dedicated to the reuse of water.

Although the use of “grey” water to fill toilet cisterns or for irrigation is not new, this company has shown that it can go further. «Our goal as a company was really showcase the unexplored potential of water reuse», detailed Aaron Tartakovsky, co-founder and CEO of Epic Cleantec, the company that collaborates with Devil’s Canyon Brewing Company in the production of this beer.

A rigorous filtering procedure

But how do you get this peculiar product? The recycled water is stored in a prefiltration and equalization tank, which balances the flow, reducing the size of the downstream system. After that, he undergoes a biological treatment to eliminate biological oxygen demand (BOD) and is rigorously filtered through a membrane with a nominal pore diameter of 0.04 microns. This water is disinfected by vseveral stages of ultraviolet light and chlorineensuring its safety for reuse in non-potable applications.

Although the beer is not available for purchase, since current regulations still prevent it, it is is being distributed at special eventslike the recent United Nations Conference on Water that took place in New York. The purpose is to generate a debate around the sustainability of water. According to the founders, the beer is considered a “demonstration product”.

“We wanted to create something fun that would work as an engaging tool to interact with people, to get them excited, but also highlight the untapped potential of water reuse», explained Tartakovsky.

The taste: nothing to envy the others

For those who have concerns about the safety of consuming recycled water, the company director assured that in reality The product could be even safer for consumers than other beers, due to the meticulous testing process it must undergo in its manufacturing.

People consuming beer | epic

As tol flavorundoubtedly the key factor in determining the success or failure of its eventual commercialization, the creators assure that this beer It has nothing to envy of those made in a traditional way. “Initially, I understand that many people may have been skeptical about the project or may have had doubts about it. However, I would say that about 99% of those who approached it with some apprehension, once they tried it, were enthusiastic,” Tartakovsky said.


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