They find the suspect of the triple crime of La Rondilla hanged in his cell

08/18/2022 at 00:48


The alleged perpetrator of the three murders was alone and under observation and everything indicates that he committed suicide

The alleged author of the triple crime de la Rondilla has been found hanged in his cell from the Villanubla prison (Valladolid) after he entered provisional prison, communicated and without bail last Tuesday, as decreed by the court of instruction number 4 of Valladolid. According to the newspaper El Norte de Castilla in its digital edition, prison sources explained that the alleged perpetrator of the crime he was alone in his cellsince he was under observation, a common procedure when someone accused of a serious crime enters a prison.

The prison management has explained to the newspaper that everything points to suicide as cause of deathalthough they have explained that it is a decision that was not foreseeable.

The deceased was accused of the violent death of his 54-year-old wife, her 78-year-old mother and a third person he knew, a 72-year-old man.
