They find a married couple dead in their home in Guadalajara with signs of violence

05/09/2022 at 19:21


An marriage has been found dead at his home, located on Cronista Antonio Pareja Serrada street in the Guadalajara town of Brihuega, with signs of violence

From the Service of Attention and Coordination of Emergencies and Emergencies 112 of Castilla-La Mancha have indicated to Europa Press that theThe events took place around 4:15 p.m.

These sources point out that It is a man and a woman of about 70 years of age. The Civil Guard, an Emergency doctor, and a Basic Life Support ambulance have traveled to the place

On their side, sources from the Civil Guard have indicated that the central 062 of the Armed Institute has received notice from a neighbor of a deceased couple with signs of violence in the town of Guadalajara.

Several units of Citizen Security of the Civil Guard and the Judicial Police have traveled to the place to investigate the causes of the events.
