They don’t touch each other, they don’t greet each other, they are close, a little dog barks

The barking of the dog that was heard in the Parliament of Strasbourg has encouraged comedians and television comedians. The most pointed and tricky joke was launched by the comic actress Virginia Riezu in ‘Everything is a lie’ (Four). He has said, in the form of a question: «In the European Parliament you can bark and you can’t speak in Catalan?». This joke can be interpreted, from Catalonia, in very controversial ways.

It is connected with that anecdote that circulated in the 60s according to which a famous Chilean announcer living in Spain, Bobby Deglane, He said that the Catalans, when they speak, bark, and the great Mary Santpere I answer: “I only know that we Catalans call dogs Bobby.” Apparently this anecdote was a hoax. But I tell it so that the youngest people, who perhaps were unaware of it, understand how the environment can be poisoned by twisting linguistics.

Apart from the little dog and his barking, the best thing about that day has been how excited the news was with the image of Sanchez and Puigdemont coinciding, a few meters away, in Strasbourg. The most beautiful reaction in my opinion has been that of Toni Cruanyes presenter of ‘TN vespre’ (TV-3). He approached the photo of both politicians that appeared enlarged on his set, scrutinized it tenderly, and exclaimed: «They have not met! They haven’t greeted each other! But they have been ‘playing’! That is, they have been very close. And she projected Cruanyes her little hand towards the photo, perhaps with the hope of giving them a loving push to bring them together.

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In A3 TV’s ‘News’, Sandra Blow He also turned his interest to that image of Strasbourg. But with a different vibration. He warned: «Sánchez and Puigdemont have avoided greeting each other… in public». Ah! It is an interesting and insightful nuance. ‘No, in public.’ Suggests, insinuates, that Sanchez and PuigdemontIn private, they could have met.

The former minister said yesterday Jaume Giro in ‘Més 324’ (TV3) that the multitude of negotiation tables that are set up is Pedro Sanchez the only one they benefit. “The only one who knows the cards that are played at each table is him.” Indeed. The exciting thing here is that in addition to the possible secret meeting with Puigdemontmaybe he has already had another one with Junqueras, and a third with Aragonese. And playing with each one a different game: ‘monopoly’, dominoes and ludo.
