They discover a website that compares the products in almost all supermarkets and indicates the cheapest

04/02/2023 at 2:34 p.m.


In it you can consult in which trade the different foods are cheaper

Food prices in supermarkets continue to skyrocket

This June 30, the advanced data of the CPI for March has come out and, although there is good news (prices fall up to 3.3% to 2021 levels) the prices of food in supermarkets they keep shooting and week after week it becomes more difficult to go shopping.

Although the Government has launched over the last year (since Russia invaded Ukraine, altering the world stage) several measures to soften the impact of the crisis on domestic economiesneither the drop in VAT on some basic products nor the aid have been enough to stop the loss of purchasing power of citizens.

In this context, Spanish supermarkets have been criticized from different spheres of civil and political society, accused of taking advantage of the price imbalance in the production chain to expand their business margins. The chains deny this complaint and assure that they only translate the rise in the costs of raw materials and energy to maintain the viability of the business.

The website that compares the prices of all supermarkets week by week

TikTok user @evamarr has posted a video on the social network sharing a valuable discovery: “I am going to show you a comparator for Mercadona, Alcampo, Carrefour, Caprabo, Ahorramás, Día…”.

The page in question consists of a table that is updated weekly where the prices of various basic products in different supermarkets are compared: “If you go line by line, the one in green is the cheapest supermarket that has that product and the red one is the most expensive”.

The website is called and also includes a national average reference pricein addition to a comparison with the previous week, although many people miss information on supermarkets such as Aldi, Lidl or Spar.

@evamarr Which supermarket is cheaper? I freak out with this website! #Supermarket #Carrefour #mercadona #day #to field #save more #The English Court #saving #cheap #comparator #plum #greenscreen ♬ Gangster Life – Lauty Gram
