They criticize Save me for having exceeded José Ortega Cano

07/28/2022 at 11:49


The bullfighter has been the object of the insistence of a journalist from Save me

Aurelio Manzano and Amor Romeira, very critical of the program

The treatment you’re getting Jose Ortega Cano by Save me It is unacceptable. “But if it’s your own family that keeps talking about you“, a journalist from the program repeats while chasing him down the street. And of course, the former bullfighter has exploded like never before: “what do you want? What makes me violent? What goes to jail? What do you want? That you leave me alone! Call the police right now!”. Some highly criticized images on social networks, even by classmates Mediaset who do not understand the harassment and demolition of this public figure.

Love Romeirafor his part, presents a very interesting reflection: “where are the limits? It makes me very sad to see Ortega Cano overwhelmed by the situation and that the media does not STOP. Then we talk about mental health, and bullying. And we raise our hands to our heads with cases like that of Verónica Forqué. Give him a break. he is asking you“.

Also Aurelius Manzano has criticized Save me for not knowing how to brake in time: “It makes me very sad to see Ortega Cano like this. Surely, we all (and I mean EVERYONE) are to blame, but sometimes you have to take the first step and stop. If others don’t…“. A message that the format should take note of to avoid a tragedy.
