‘They are really being rude’

Marijke Helwegen gets the chills from the Today Inside trio. She thinks the men in the program have been very mean to Gordon. “Pub talk? What nonsense!”


It is the men of Today Inside who made Gordon throw in the towel: he found it so difficult to deal with their criticism that he decided to cancel his entire theater tour. Most people feel there drama queenvibes, but society star Marijke Helwegen mainly feels pity and compassion.

Pub talk

According to her, Gordon is really being treated far too harshly. “I think that everyone should get a new chance. Gordon didn’t commit murder or defraud, so why shouldn’t he be allowed to sing again? Who are all those people who keep criticizing that?”, she fumes in the Party.

Well, the men from Today Inside, but they rely on pub talk. “No, I don’t think that’s a strong argument at all. Not at all. They are in a TV studio. It’s not bar talk. I think it’s rude to talk about someone and you shouldn’t do that, especially when Gordon starts singing again after eight years.”


Why are the men of VI simply not allowed to give their honest opinion when Gordon sings as out of tune as a crow? Didn’t he do that himself for years in TV shows like Idols? “Well, because then you take away his energy and his hope that it will become something again.”

Isn’t Gordon just a grown man with experience in showbiz? “I’m not saying at all that you should treat him with kid gloves, but you also don’t have to attack him publicly, on TV. Aren’t there hundreds of thousands of topics you can talk about?

Just carry on

Marijke’s advice to Gordon? “I think Gordon should just move on, choose his own path, and not be discouraged.”

“Again, he didn’t do anything terrible. Yes, maybe Gordon is a little too sensitive, but everyone has something. Gordon has the right to make a new start.”
