They announced a new bill of 2000 pesos

It was recently confirmed that the Board of Directors of the Central Bank of the Argentine Republic approved the issuance of a ticket $2000. The new banknote will begin to circulate during the second half of the year. The authorities do not rule out the possibility of creating a 5000 bill in the coming months.

The new banknote will be a commemoration of Argentine science and medicine, and will bear the image of the Malbrán Institute and on the obverse the faces of the Dr. Cecilia Grierson and of the Dr. Ramon Carrillo.

The National Administration of Laboratories and Health Institute Dr. Carlos Malbrán It is a decentralized public body that participates in scientific and technical policies related to the health field. Important scientists worked in it, such as the prizes Nobel Bernardo Houssay and César Milstein. The Malbrán had a significant impact during the pandemic, and was responsible for carrying out the analyzes and detecting coronavirus cases.

For her part, the Dr. Cecilia Griersonwas the first doctor in Argentina, graduated in 1886, from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Buenos Aires. She worked as an obstetrician and kinesiologist, but was never able to work as a surgeon because of her status as a woman, despite having the qualifying title for the specialty. She was the one who created the First School of Nursing in Latin America and was a founding member of the Argentine Medical Association.

As to Ramon CarrilloHe was a neurosurgeon, neurobiologist, sanitary doctor and the first Minister of Health of the Nation. He graduated from the School of Medicine of the Buenos Aires’ Universityand it was also Professor of the Chair of Neurosurgery of the Faculty of Medicine, since he left to dedicate himself to the development of social medicine. He contributed to developing health in the country, with massive vaccination campaigns and the creation of important hospitals.

by RN

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