These were Anthony Bourdain’s last messages to his girlfriend

Top chef Anthony Bourdain and his girlfriend Asia Argento were arguing over text messages before Bourdain’s death.

Anthony Bourdain and Asia Argento posed together in the spring of 2018, just a few months before Bourdain’s death.

The book Down and out in paradise: The life of Anthony Bourdain, which will be published on October 11, reviews the last moments of the star chef.

of the New York Times according to the book the book contains Anthony Bourdain and his female friend Argento’s thing messages to each other.

According to the book, the couple had a text message argument just moments before Bourdain’s death. The reason for the dispute was paparazzi photos taken a few days earlier, in which Argento danced with a French journalist by Hugo Clément with.

– I’m fine. I’m not mean. I’m not jealous that you’ve been with another man. I don’t own you. As I have said. As I have promised. As I have really meant, Bourdain wrote to Argento shortly before his death.

– But you were reckless. You were merciless to my heart. My life, Bourdain continued.

Argento replied that he wouldn’t last much longer. After this they broke up.

Bourdain then asked if there was anything he could do.

– Stop bothering me, Argento replied.

Anthony Bourdain was a successful chef who also appeared on television. PDO

This message was briefly acknowledged by Bourdain with ok.

Supplier by Charles Leerhsen the book has already attracted a lot of criticism in advance, and it has been criticized by Bourdain’s family as well as those close to Argento.

Argento has already been accused of “driving Bourdain to commit suicide”.

According to Argento, cheating was on both sides and it was not a problem for them.

– I understand that people want to find a reason (to die). I also want to find the reason, Argento said in a recent interview.

Bourdain died on June 8, 2018. He was 61 years old when he died.

Don’t be alone! Comprehensive support is available for mental health problems and suicidal thoughts. You can find information about support services by phone, online and face-to-face about this thing.
