These vegetables belong at room temperature

Most vegetables thrive in the refrigerator, but for a few, room temperature is a better choice.

Vegetables should be stored in the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator. Adobe Stock/AOP

Not all vegetables should be put in the fridge after a trip to the store. When the storage location is optimal, the taste and texture of the vegetables are also at their best.

We listed vegetables that can be stored at room temperature and in the refrigerator.

Store at room temperature (or in the refrigerator):

In the refrigerator, the tomato loses its flavor quickly, even if it is stored there longer than in the refrigerator.

Cucumber freezes easily when exposed to too cold conditions.

Paprika should be stored in plastic packaging, otherwise it dries out quickly.

The avocado continues to ripen at room temperature. Ripening stops in the refrigerator.

Store in the refrigerator:

  • cabbages
  • salads
  • spinach
  • onions
  • potatoes
  • root vegetables
  • asparagus
  • ripe avocados

How do you cut a tomato? It has a surprisingly big meaning.

