These royals attend Charles’ coronation

The guest list at the coronation in May both adheres to traditions and breaks the formula.

King Charles III will be crowned on May 6.

The celebrations will be smaller than at the coronation of his mother, Queen Elizabeth II, in 1953.

For example, the main event organized in Westminster Abbey has been shortened to one hour. In Elizabeth’s time, the event lasted three hours. The route of the carriage ride after the coronation has also been shortened. Now it won’t last two hours by any means.

As many as 8,000 guests were invited to Elizabeth’s coronation. The guest list has also been reduced.

Around 2,000 guests have been invited to Charles’ coronation.

Although the number of invitees has been reduced, the guest list can certainly accommodate a large number of royals.

It has already been reported that both King Kaarle Kustaa and the crown princess from Sweden will participate in the coronation ceremony Victoria. This can be considered rather special, as sitting royals generally do not attend other people’s coronations, as they do not want to shift the spotlight to themselves.

Prince Albert of Monaco has also already announced that the princess will arrive at the coronation Charlene’s with.

Also in Spain, the formula is broken and the sitting king Felipe the queen of her consort attends the coronation Letizia with.

In Denmark and Norway, tradition is followed, i.e. someone other than the person currently in power goes to the coronation.

Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary will participate from Denmark, Crown Prince Haakon and Mette-Marit from Norway.

The grand duke from Luxembourg is coming to the celebrations Henry his spouse Maria Teresa with.

The Japanese royal family is represented by the crown prince Fumihito and the crown princess Kiko.

The President of the Republic Sauli Niinistö and Dr. Jenni Haukio will also participate in the coronation ceremony.

Source: People
