These people see the worst content on Facebook – Traumatizing work underpaid

The company that provided content checking services is receiving several legal challenges.

Facebook’s banned content has caused mental health problems for those who have seen it. JULIEN DE ROSA

British newspaper The Guardian reports, that those who worked in Facebook’s content review have been left with major traumas from their work. In addition, the employees have been underpaid, there has been no support for mental health, and in addition, employees have been dismissed without any reason.

The American outsourcing company Sama, which provided content review services to Facebook, is now receiving several legal challenges from its former employees. The same had its office in Nairobi, Kenya.

– I remember seeing a video on the first day where a person was killed. I instinctively stood up, shouted, and for a moment forgot who I was and where I was, says one of the plaintiffs.

Daniel Montaguwho filed a lawsuit already in 2019, says that the content he dealt with and the lack of psychological support have caused him post-traumatic stress disorder.

Facebook denied being a party to Montaug’s case. According to the company, Montaug has been an employee of Sama, and Metala has no operations or registration in the country. Meta says that it demands from its partners the possibility of round-the-clock support.

Same CEO Wendy Gonzales tells the BBC that he came to the end of the street.

– I would say that if I had known before what I know now, I would not have signed the contract, Gonzales said.

The same produced a review of Facebook’s content from 2019. They had about 260 employees. They have claimed that the employees have had the opportunity for the services of a well-being advisor.

Facebook transferred the service provider to the European Majorel this year.
