These outfits looked stunning then and now – the iconic night beauties look like a model

Look and fall in love, these 90s styles look super good right now.

At the premiere of the actress Julia Roberts with her then boyfriend Kiefer Sutherland. Barry King / Alamy Stock Photo, All Over Press

Mid-size, Oversized jackets, flannel shirts, light blue jeans, polo shirts and miniskirts. The influences of the 90s just look so fashionable right now.

Why not copy style influences directly from the real fashion icons of the 90s.

You can’t make a style compilation from the 90s without mentioning the following stars: Gwyneth Paltrow, Meg Ryan, Drew Barrymore, Julia Roberts and Naomi Cambell.

Look and fall in love with these styles.

1. Slim blue jeans

Light blue jeans were almost always used in the 90s. The jeans were paired with casual t-shirts, flannel shirts or jacket jackets.

Barry King / Alamy Stock Photo, All Over Press

Actress Jennifer Aniston combined her jeans with a black t-shirt and black shoes. The picture is from 1996.

Barry King / Alamy Stock Photo, All Over Press

Actress Sharon Stone Jumanjiat the premiere of the film in 1995. The light blue jeans are paired with a black leather jacket and a collared shirt of the same color. The shoes of the star were also black in color. Simple and relaxed.

Actress Demi Moore and singer Michael Bolton in almost similar looks. This picture, if any, smells like the 90s. Notice Dem’s bangs.

2. Jacket

In the 90s, the jacket was casually paired with jeans or a casual dress.

Featureflash Film Archive / Alamy Stock Photo, All Over Press

Actor Kate Winslet combined a chalk-striped casing dress and a crisp red jacket. The photo was taken in 1996.

Barry King / Alamy Stock Photo, All Over Press

Actress Michelle Pfeiffer combined a black jacket with a white collared shirt. She had a checkered trouser on her leg and a pearl necklace on her neck. The other accessories were subdued black. The picture is from 1995.

Supermodel Kate Moss with her then boyfriend Johnny Deppin with. The supermodel was wearing a long jacket, a miniskirt and a white polo shirt. The outfit looks great.

3. White dress

The white dress was a familiar sight at the premieres and galas of the 90s.

LANDMARK MEDIA / Alamy Stock Photo, All Over Press

Actress Cameron Diaz looked glamorous in her white dress. The picture is from 1994.

Actress Gwyneth Paltrow with her then boyfriend Brad Pittin with Legends of the Fall premiered in 1995. Gwynet wore an elegant white creation.

Shutterstock, All Over Press

Supermodel Tyra Banks singer of her then boyfriend Sealin with in 1996. The beauty was wearing a white short dress and white shoes.

4. Black and white look

The combination of black and white is always trendy and it was in the 90s as well.

Barry King / Alamy Stock Photo, All Over Press

One of the biggest stars of the 90s was Meg Ryan. In this picture he was Dragonheartpremiered in 1996 in a black jacket and white shirt.

5. Minimum size

The shorter the hem, the better. This was especially true in the 90s.

Cluelessis full of great inspiration from 90s fashion. An iconic movie that every style artist should watch at least once in their life. Actors Alicia Silverstone and Stacey Dash looked great in their checkered jackets and miniskirts.

Enchanted sisters shows the biggest trends of the 90s. Actor Sandra Bullock thrives in light blue jeans and a casual top, while actress Nicole Kidman is seen in a minimal dress.

6. Bare surface

In the 90s, the bare surface was exposed, sometimes by accident. Here, however, is an appropriate glimpse, like singer Jennifer Lopez.

John Barrett / photolink / Mediapunch / Shutterstock, All Over Press

7. Relaxation

Grunge, coolness, and relaxation are important factors when copying 90s style.

Dennis Stone / Shutterstock, All Over Press

Actress Drew Barrymore arrived from the plane casually wearing a jacket, flannel shirt, light blue jeans and of course Converse sneakers This outfit is easy to copy.

20th Century Fox / Kobal / Shutterstock, All Over press

Top model Naomi Cambellin style in Girl Number 6. The self-ironic funny text on the t-shirt was lovely.
