These municipalities have fireworks-free zones or fireworks shows this year

Twelve municipalities in Brabant have fireworks-free zones this year. Furthermore, lighting fireworks is completely prohibited in Eindhoven and Tilburg. This is evident from a tour by Omroep Brabant. Municipalities differ in opinion about whether there should be a national fireworks ban.

This year, for the first time, there is a complete ban on lighting fireworks in Eindhoven and Tilburg. With the ban, the municipalities hope to reduce damage and nuisance caused by fireworks, although they both indicate that it is difficult to enforce the ban. A large, central fireworks show is held in both municipalities.

Fireworks-free zones
This year, there are areas in twelve Brabant municipalities where it is prohibited to let off fireworks, the so-called fireworks-free zones. For example, the municipality of Oosterhout announces that there is a fireworks-free zone in De Klappeijstraat, the city’s catering street, because of the crowds.

Municipalities that do not have fireworks-free zones indicate, among other things, that they are not necessary or that there is no support for them among the population. Many municipalities are waiting to see what the national government will decide about a possible fireworks ban.

National fireworks ban
Press agency ANP conducted a tour of all municipalities in the Netherlands asking whether they are for or against a national fireworks ban and why. This shows that five Brabant municipalities are against a national ban and five are in favor of it. Sixteen municipalities are neutral on this, the rest have not responded.

The municipalities that are against a ban say, among other things, that it is not necessary to introduce a national fireworks ban. Municipalities also point out that it is difficult to enforce and the nuisance is mainly caused by illegal fireworks from abroad.

These Brabant municipalities are against a national fireworks ban:

  • Altena
  • Halderberge
  • Hilvarenbeek
  • Laarbeek

Goirle said in a response that the municipality is in favor of a national ban, due to the damage and nuisance caused by fireworks and the accidents that happen with fireworks. The municipality says that a fireworks ban ‘only makes sense if the availability and sale of fireworks is restricted in the Netherlands and abroad’.

These Brabant municipalities are in favor of a national fireworks ban:

  • Goirle
  • Maashorst
  • Meierijstad
  • Moerdijk
  • Tilburg

See below whether there is a fireworks-free zone in your municipality and what they think about a national fireworks ban, or click this link:
