These Efteling fans can start their own museum

It is the first time that you can see original Efteling items outside the park. At least, in an official museum. An exhibition of hundreds of Efteling objects opens this weekend in the Noordbrabants Museum in Den Bosch. This marks the 70th anniversary of the amusement park. But a large number of fans have already collected beautiful collections of Eftelings items at home. We have listed the most beautiful Efteling home collections for you.

The Mini Efteling in Nieuwkuijk
The three brothers Erwin, Jordi and Imre van Veldhoven have been running the Mini Efteling in Nieuwkuijk since 1984. The ‘hobby that got out of hand’ would come to an end last year, because the youngest brother Imre had announced that he would stop. But visitors reacted so disappointed to the announced closure that they decided to open again.

READ ALSO: Mini Efteling will open again next year, fans are relieved

Mini Efteling will open again next year, fans are relieved (photo: Sander de Vaan)
Mini Efteling will open again next year, fans are relieved (photo: Sander de Vaan)

The Efteling toilet
What started with a fun idea has now become a project for many years: Joeri Damen’s toilet in Etten-Leur is slowly turning into a mini-Efteling. With one of the latest acquisitions: 626 gold ducats that decorate the ceiling. They come from Ezeltje-Strekje in the Fairytale Forest, Joeri had saved up for it for almost two years. That you are entering the toilet of an Efteling fan was already clear before the completion of the coin ceiling: with a golden toilet seat and golden toilet roll holder, a magic mirror and Efteling logos everywhere you look, there was no other conclusion to be drawn .

READ ALSO: 626 golden ducats: Joeri’s Efteling toilet gets completely out of hand

Photo: Joeri Damen
Photo: Joeri Damen

Gondoletta in garage
Roland Remie, born in Eindhoven, has a historic Gondoletta boat at his home in Susteren. He bought it through Marktplaats. “It was heavily rusted and black from years of standing water. It hurt!” He paid 550 euros for it. “A bargain!” Then every Saturday he retired to his garage to give the boat the love it deserved. And after more than forty hours of work, the Gondoletta shined again as before. “My ultimate mission as a collector has been accomplished.”

READ ALSO: Gondoletta boat from Efteling restored to its former glory: ‘Mission accomplished’

The boat shines like never before (photo: Roland Remie).
The boat shines like never before (photo: Roland Remie).

The Night Watch, but different
Daan van Genechten from Moergestel also has something special to offer. He copied Rembrandt van Rijn’s The Night Watch, but in Efteling style. In total he worked more than twenty hours on the special digital record with Gustave Hooghmoed, Little Red Riding Hood, Ezeltje Strekje and many other icons from the amusement park in Kaatsheuvel.

READ ALSO: Efteling version of The Night Watch with Little Red Riding Hood, Long Neck and Thumb Thumb

Daan's creation (photo: Daan van Genechten).
Daan’s creation (photo: Daan van Genechten).

Efteling coffee table
Nick and his wife Linda built their favorite Efteling attractions with Lego in their coffee table. The Limburg couple had started the project twelve years earlier and in the end the four of them started working on the artwork. “Every Wednesday evening we sat together, enjoyed specialty beers and built projects,” said Nick from the ‘Bier en Lego’ construction club at the time.

READ ALSO: Lego coffee table full of Efteling icons makes the internet drool: ‘It is a work of art’

Photo: Beer and Lego.
Photo: Beer and Lego.

Photo: Beer and Lego.
Photo: Beer and Lego.

READ ALSO: Efteling shows its treasures in the museum and you can expect this
