These cycling and walking paths will be closed for a week

The Leidsewallenpad and the Podiumpad will be closed for one and a half due to asphalt work. Cyclists and walkers are being diverted.

The Leidsewallenpad is the cycling and walking path along the Leidsewallenwetering. A busy path because it leads to the secondary schools on the Van Doornenplantsoen, the Leyens, Palenstein, Seghwaert and the Dorp districts. The Podiumpad can be found in the De Leyens district: at the intersection between Zijdewerf and Lange Landpad.

Bridge closed

Both paths will be closed for both directions from Monday, May 23, 7:00 AM to Friday, June 3, 4:00 PM. The bridge along the Leidsewallenpad is closed as a result. Cyclists and walkers are diverted via Palenstein and in the direction of the Kangaroo Path. The delay is minimal, but it can be just not right if you left a little too late for your destination.

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