These are the trials that will mark 2023

After a government had to leave Moncloa by a corruption sentence, such as that of Mariano Rajoy with that dictated by the first period of the Gürtel, it seems difficult that any other case is capable of reaching that level. Despite this, the three most important trials in Madrid for corruption that will be held in 2023 share a common denominator with that one: affect ex-leaders of the PP. As those who are still share it pending the ‘procés’ in Catalonia with the sentence handed down by the Supreme Court, which still has to resolve the appeals filed against the pardons granted to the convicted and send the proceedings against Anna Gabriel to Catalonia, after she appeared voluntarily in July.

In Barcelona, ​​the case of alleged corruption that affects Laura Borràs will mark the future of the president of Junts. The judicial agenda is completed with a series of criminal trials for 1-O and the situation experienced in Catalonia in autumn 2017, such as the hearing against the ‘councilor’ Natalia Garriga, Josep Maria Jové and Lluís Salvadó.

The only piece that Camps has left

The National Court has indicated for the next January 17 the beginning of the last trial What remains pending for the former president of the Valencian Generalitat Francis Camps. It is about the award to Orange Marketthe Valencian branch of the group of companies Francisco Correa, from the Valencian speaker at Fitur 2009.

Camps, who was acquitted of the trial for the suits he would have received from the Gürtel corrupt plot, faces a prosecutor’s request for two and a half years in prison. The hearing, from which the former Valencian president tried to separate several trials from the National Court, including José Ricardo de Prada, who participated in the sentence of the first period of the Gürtel, It will last until May 23..

The first trial of the Lezo case, but without González

One day after the end of the trial of Francis Campsthe National Court has to begin the first trial of the Lezo case, but without its main defendant, the former president of Madrid Ignacio Gonzalez. On this occasion it is the piece in which the operation of purchase by Canal de Isabel II of the Colombian company Inassa. In other words, before the allegedly corrupt practices attributed to the former leader of the Madrid PP in the public company in charge of managing water in Madrid. In this piece, two ex-counselors of the regional government of Alberto Ruiz-Gallardon (Pedro Calvo and Juan Bravo) for whom the prosecution requests 7 years in prison.

Rodrigo Rato’s trial for his personal fortune

Sources from the Superior Court of Justice of Madrid point to EL PERIÓDICO DE CATALUNYA that although there is no specified date, the forecast is that in the second quarter of this year a new trial is also held against the former economic vice president of the Government of Mariano Rajoy and president of the IMF, Rodrigo Rato, for the cause in which his assets are being investigated, which he managed through companies and accounts in tax havens. The Anti-Corruption Prosecutor requests for him a total of 70 years in prison for 11 crimes against the Public Treasuryas well as Whitening of capitals, punishable insolvency, corruption and falsehood documentary film.

The future of Laura Borràs

The president of Juntas, Laura Borras, will sit in the dock from February 10 to March 1 (eight morning and afternoon sessions) for allegedly favoring a friend when he directed the Institució de les Lletres Catalanes (ILC). The magistrates of the Superior Court of Justice of Catalonia (TSJC) will decide whether or not the former president of the Parliament committed the crimes of administrative prevarication and falsification of a public document, for which the prosecution claims her six years in prison, 21 years of disqualification and a fine of 144,000 euros. This judicial process cost her the position in the Parliament, since on July 28 she was suspended as deputy and maximum representative of the institution, with the votes of PSC, ERC and CUP, in compliance with article 25.4 of the regulation that decrees the temporary cessation of the parliamentarians to whom the oral trial will be opened for an alleged corruption. Borràs has always denied the accusations and has come to allude to an alleged persecution for being an independentist.

Forcadell Parliament Table

the supreme court ordered the TSJC to repeat the trial of the former members of the Parliamentary Bureau, in the time of Carmen Forcadellwhom he condemned for disobedience for allowing the processing of the laws that constituted the legal scaffolding of the ‘procés’. The high court admitted the lack of impartiality of two of the magistrates who were part of the Chamber that tried them, as claimed by the defendants. On March 14, 15 and 16, 2023, Lluís Corominas, Anna Simó, Ramona Barrufet and Lluís Guinó will sit on the bench again.

The Supreme annulled the sentence that imposed 20 months of disqualification and to pay a fine of 30,000 euros for ignoring the resolutions of the Constitutional Court that vetoed the processing of the disconnection laws. This same ruling acquitted the former deputy of the CUP Mireia Boya, that she was in charge of presenting one of them and that the repetition of the hearing does not affect her, because she did not appeal the now annulled decision.

Garriga, Jové, Salvadó and 1-O

The prosecution is expected to present the indictment against the current Minister of Culture, Natalia Garriga, the ERC leader in Parliament and former General Secretary of the Vice-Presidency and Economy, Josep Maria Jove, and the former parliamentarian and now president of the Port of Barcelona, Lluis Salvado, for the preparations for 1-0. Garriga is prosecuted by a crime of serious disobediencewhile Jové and Salvadó are also attributed the alleged crimes of prevarication and embezzlement.

The TSJC must indicate the trial after the prosecution and the defenses present their qualification. This process was delayed by including Garriga when she was appointed ‘consellera’. The investigations derive from the case opened in the Barcelona Investigating Court number 13 that keeps 28 senior government officials and businessmen prosecuted for their alleged participation in the organization of the consultation. One of the tests admitted by the court has been to require the National Intelligence Center (CNI) to inform if the agency or another government has carried out any type of investigation or espionage in which computer programs have been used without their consent.

Deputy Meritxell Serret

It is also pending to signal the judgment to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Meritxell Serret, for an alleged crime of serious disobedience to the Constitutional Court. The prosecutor’s office demands a year of disqualification from employment or public office and a fine of 12,000 euros. According to the public accusation, Serret knew “perfectly the illegality” of the decisions that were made during the fall of 2017, after being notified of several warnings from the high court. The parliamentarian was on the run in Brussels for three years after the DUI, she returned to Spain in March 2021 to make herself available to the Supreme Court, which had prosecuted her for the crimes of embezzlement and disobedience.

The electoral trustees of the referendum

The Court of Barcelona reported on July 19 that the trial against the five electoral trustees of 1-O it should be repeated, as requested by the prosecution. Months earlier, Barcelona Criminal Court 11 acquitted, despite the fact that the public accusation He asked for each of them two years and nine months in prison for the crimes of disobedience and usurpation of public functions. In this sentence, the magistrate maintained that “it is not proven that they gave any instruction or order or that they met again after the rulings issued by the Constitutional Court (TC).” The prosecution filed an appeal against the exculpation considering that the judge had not correctly assessed the evidence and the Court agreed with him. The new view is not yet set and affects the current ‘councillor’ of Feminismes, Tania Verge.
