These are the results in Drenthe: BBB largest in Emmen and Meppel

Compared to four years ago, almost all other parties have dropped in percentage. Forum for Democracy is the biggest loser in Emmen. She now receives just under 4 percent of the Emmer vote, which is more than 13 percent less than in the 2019 Provincial Council election.

Another major loser is the PvdA. It drops by 7.5 percent, but is the only party other than BBB to get more than ten percent of the vote. PvdA is now Emmen’s second party. The third party in Emmen is the PVV with 8.6 percent of the vote.

Nevertheless, there are some parties that win in Emmen. JA21 did not participate four years ago, and now receives 3.1 percent of the vote. Party for the Animals also increases by half a percent.

Turnout in the municipality of Emmen is higher than in 2019. 58.3 percent of those entitled to vote voted. Four years ago it was 54.2 percent.

With just under 28 percent, BBB has become the largest in Meppel. In addition to BBB, there is another major newcomer in Meppel. That’s Volt. The party received 5 percent of the vote. Volt’s party leader, Marloes Kramer-Hammenga, is from Meppel. Perhaps that helped.

“Meppel is ready for Volt. It helps anyway that you know people. But that’s not all, you also have to have a good story. And Meppel is convinced of that,” the party leader responds. In the municipality of Emmen, the party received 1.4 percent.
