These are the most popular dog names in Brabant: from Ollie to Moos

Luna is again the most popular dog name in Brabant. Last year, thanks to driver Verstappen, Max was the most popular name for the faithful four-legged friend. But Luna has regained the ‘pole position’ from Max, because Luna was also the most popular dog name in 2021. The strange dog name is also on the rise. For example, there are dogs in Brabant called Maurice de Hond, Wifi or Winston Furchill.

The list was published by pet insurer Figo, which conducts an annual survey of the most popular names. It is a survey among 62,000 dog owners throughout the Netherlands, including 3,000 from Brabant.

Even though Max Verstappen was very successful again last year, the name Max still dropped to eighth place.

Top 10 dog names 2023 in Brabant:

  1. Luna
  2. Bella
  3. Teddy
  4. Ollie
  5. Lola
  6. Charlie
  7. Moos
  8. Max
  9. Bo
  10. Buddy

Notably absent from the Brabant Top 10 is Guus – a Brabander after all – who is in sixth place nationally. Pip, Bella and Bowie are other names that score highly in the rest of the Netherlands, but less so in Brabant.

In addition to the traditional names, dog owners often choose a funny or remarkable name. A selection of these sometimes bizarre dog names.

  1. Maurice the Dog
  2. Mootje
  3. pad Thai
  4. Dumpling
  5. Dushi
  6. Bazooka
  7. Just kidding
  8. WiFi
  9. Stinky
  10. Winston Furchill
