These are the most affected areas

11/05/2023 at 2:18 p.m.


The Domingos storm is affecting several parts of the Peninsula

Highlights the very strong gusts of wind

In recent days, there have been Celine storms and Ciarán, that have left strong winds and rains in different areas of Spain. This weekend the AEMET has warned of the arrival of Sundays, a new Atlantic storm which is affecting the Peninsula and the Balearic Islands, leaving unstable weather, with an intense wind and coastal storm.

The Agency has announced that this Sunday there will be strong wind in the west in coastal areas, with very strong gusts in large areas of the northern third of the peninsula, interiors of the eastern third, the Balearic Islands and southeastern coasts.

The rainfall will be abundant in the central Pyrenees, Galicia, western Castilla y León, eastern Cantabrian and the Strait. Furthermore, there is the probability of being more intense and accompanied by occasional storms, without ruling out hail, in western Galicia.

The AEMET has assured that temperatures will increase in the northeast of the peninsula and the Balearic Islands, and will decrease in the rest of the country, more markedly in the western third. Frost is expected in the Pyrenees, without ruling out them weakly and isolatedly in the rest of the mountain systems.

Furthermore, the AEMET has warned of a strong sea storm for which the red notice has been activated in Cantabria, Galicia and the Basque Country due to waves of 6 to 8 meters.

The storm is expected to move away Sunday with more dispersed showers and less wind, and the anticyclone will tend to predominate in the coming days.
