These are the largest emitters of ammonia and nitrogen oxides

In the discussion about nitrogen measures, the focus is mainly on farmers. They in turn point to Eindhoven Airport, for example. Justly? What are the largest nitrogen emitters in our province?

The whole discussion revolves around two substances: ammonia (mainly from manure) and nitrogen oxides (mainly from industry and traffic). According to the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), ammonia is the biggest culprit for nature.

The ammonia and nitrogen oxide emissions are often combined under the heading ‘nitrogen’.

According to RIVM, agriculture in the Netherlands has been emitting the most nitrogen for decades, followed by industry and traffic. This is certainly a problem in the vicinity of Natura 2000 areas.

The number 1 ammonia ejector
Most of the ammonia emissions come from farmers, but they are certainly not the only ones emitting ammonia. For example, the number 1 ammonia ejector in Brabant is not a farmer, but Saint Gobain in Etten-Leur, a factory where insulation material is made.

Also at Suiker Unie in Steenbergen more ammonia is released into the air than at an individual farmer:

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All farmers together emit considerably more ammonia. The insulation factory and Suiker Unie are closely followed by two farms in the municipality of Someren, a place that is also surrounded by three Natura 2000 areas.

Of the 40 largest ammonia emitters in Brabant, 37 are farmers.

Nitrogen Oxides
Then that other substance, nitrogen oxides. Eindhoven Airport, recently faced with farmers’ protests, is responsible for significant nitrogen oxide emissions. But the airport is not the biggest emitter in Brabant. Shell in Moerdijk tops the list, followed by the power plants RWE (the Amercentrale) in Geertruidenberg and Attero in Moerdijk. After glass factory Ardagh in Dongen, Eindhoven Airport is in fifth place:

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There will be several reasons for farmers to protest at Eindhoven Airport, but when it comes to nitrogen emissions, that choice is not so obvious.

For example, Eindhoven Airport does not emit ammonia but nitrogen oxides and they are also not the largest emitter in Brabant.

Moreover, there are two other Brabant companies that are responsible for a lot of ammonia emissions, even more than individual Brabant farmers: the insulation and the sugar factory.

ALSO READ: This note about nitrogen is doing the rounds on social media, but is it true?
