These are the highlights of the conference program

From September 21st to 24th, the international music scene will come together at the Reeperbahn Festival. In addition to the regular music program, the conference is a second strand for representatives from all sectors of the music industry: seminars, panel discussions, industry meetings and award ceremonies are held.

Around 130 sessions will provide information about live entertainment, sound carriers, dubbed business as well as marketing, media and news around the Hamburger Meile. Another focus will be on social and political issues such as the effects of the war in Ukraine and the climate crisis.

Igor Levit talks to Hamburg’s culture senator

The start on Wednesday (September 21) will be a conversation between pianist Igor Levit and Hamburg’s Senator for Culture and Media Dr. Carsten Brosda. They will discuss the effects of two pandemic years and the Ukraine war on the music landscape – and open the question of how political the sound can and must be in this time. There will also be a Ukrainian showcase in the Headcrash Club on the first day of the festival: the electronica duo KEBU & Saymory, the singer-songwriter Lucas Bird, the trio Hyphen Dash, who oscillate between jazz and hip-hop, and the electronic pop musician Maryana Klochko will perform.

“Quo Vadis concert industry?”

On Thursday (September 22nd) the music journalist Miriam Davoudvandi will speak on the subject of “making producers more visible”. Dieter Semmelmann is one of the most important concert organizers in Central Europe. Also on Thursday he asks the question: “Quo Vadis concert industry?” Björn Dixgård will also talk about the 20-year history of his band Mando Diao. In the discussion group “Ways out of the Shitstorm” Runa Hoffmann, Catharine Krämer and Demba Sanoh will discuss with Aida Baghernejad how missteps in the age of social media can be negotiated in a constructive discourse.

Talents are presented with Anchor Awards

Also among the 350 speakers are Canadian producer and musician Daniel Lanois (U2, Neil Young) and political activist group Pussy Riot – both speaking on Friday (23/9). “Stranger Deals” is the title of an English-language talk about the financial flows of the music industry in 2022.

The development of sustainable processes and formats for music production is just as important to the festival as gender equality at all levels of music culture and business. Its continuous promotion of diversity aims to create a culture and living space free from prejudice and non-discrimination. This also includes the targeted and sustainable promotion of talent in the form of the Anchor Awards on Saturday (September 24th). That prize is awarded every year as part of the Reeperbahn Festival by a top-class jury – including Bowie producer Tony Visconti.

Tickets for the conference program must be purchased separately.

+++This article first appeared on
