These are the finalists of Maestro | TV

In the semifinals, the candidates had to lead not only an orchestra, but also a choir. Rapper Sor scored high points with the jury and received rave reviews. In total, Sor obtained 52 points for conducting two classical music pieces and was the first to count as one of the finalists.

Until the last moment it remained tense between Simone and Plien. In two rounds, the two actresses both scored 43 points. After this, the Maestro Orchestra was allowed to vote on who would become the second finalist. Simone emerged as the winner.

The denouement of the AvroTros program can be seen on NPO 1 next Sunday. It will then become clear who will follow in the footsteps of the previous winners Lucas Hamming, Lenette van Dongen, Spike, Leona Philippo and Maartje van de Wetering.


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