These are the favorite women of Cyriel and Garry from ‘Boer seeks woman’ | TV

TVAfter William, Kim and Elien, farmers Cyriel and Garry decided on Sunday evening with whom they want to continue their love affair in ‘Farmer seeks woman’. At the end of the episode, presenter Dina Tersago also came up with a plot twist. Both farmers were immediately allowed to choose one lady to spend the first 24 hours with. Cyriel chose Els, Garry decided to keep the three women on the farm.

These are dairy farmer Cyriel’s favorite wives:

Laura (20, Kachtem) is a shop assistant in a butcher’s shop, plays drums in a drum band and in a brass band, and likes going out and eating good food. What appealed to her in Cyriel: “His beautiful calm voice charmed me and I saw in the video that he is also a hard worker. Farming life also really appeals to me.”

Laura. © VTM

Chloé (20, Koekelare) studies nursing and likes mountain biking and badminton. She was charmed by Cyriel by the way his family talked about him in the call episode. “If I want to go for something, I go for it! I really want to get to know him better.” The farming trade is not completely unknown to her because her pluspapa furnishes stables.


Chloe. © VTM

Els (22, Gaasdonk) has just graduated in communication management. She works in a bakery and one day a week on a farm. Els is very involved with food, baking and cooking. Cyriel immediately noticed her: “His spontaneity, the fact that he is very driven and sporty and his nice smile. I think we are on the same wavelength and think alike in the future.”


Els. © VTM

These are goat farmer Garry’s favorite wives:

Garry chose Barbara, Evelyn and Els.

Garry chose Barbara, Evelyn and Els. © VTM

Barbara (49, Ghent) is a servant and loves acting. What appeals to her in Garry: “He is a charming man who has been through a lot, and whom I recognize myself in. We could be a good match as we both like to drink Aperol Spritz!” she laughs.


Barbara. © VTM

Evelyn (41, Eeklo) is divorced and has a daughter of 17 years. Her hobbies are hiking and cooking. “What appeals to me in Garry is his hard-working mentality and positivism. We have a bit of the same drive. I have also swam through some waters, but have never lost faith in love.”


Evelyn. © VTM

Els (44, Tessenderlo) works in healthcare. She likes reading, walking with her dog, cycling in beautiful Limburg, and working in her garden. Garry appeals to her because of “His pleasant voice and warm heart. He is a sweet and caring man who also likes to enjoy life.” Els became a widow 2 years ago and has 2 adult children.


Els. © VTM

See also: Farmer Cyriel enjoys a manicure

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Behind the scenes of ‘Boer zkt Vrouw’: “Our TV teams almost live with those farmers” (+)

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