These are the favorite parks of Berliners

Two joggers run behind the water jet of a lawn sprinkler in the Berlin Tiergarten in the morning (symbolic image)

Two joggers run behind the water jet of a lawn sprinkler in the Berlin Tiergarten in the morning (symbolic image) Photo: picture alliance/dpa

From BZ/dpa

According to a new survey, the Tiergarten is the favorite park of many Berliners. This is the result of a representative survey by the opinion research institute Forsa on behalf of the “Green in the City” initiative.

According to this, 14 percent of the 1,000 Berliners surveyed name the Tiergarten and the Großer Tiergarten as their favorite green spaces, 11 percent name Treptower Park and 10 percent name Volkspark Friedrichshain.

For the data in June, Forsa surveyed people aged 18 and over in five major German cities about their perception and use of urban green spaces. The data for Berlin also shows that a total of 71 percent of those surveyed in Berlin are satisfied with the range of public green spaces in their city. More than half of those surveyed visit a city park at least once a week.

The big pond in the Volkspark Friedrichshain

The big pond in the Volkspark Friedrichshain Photo: picture alliance / imageBROKER

Nevertheless, around two-thirds believe that urban greenery has only a low priority for political decision-makers. According to the survey, every third person in the capital has no access to a private green space or garden.

In addition, many people are not happy with the state of maintenance of Berlin’s parks and green spaces: while only about a quarter of the Berliners surveyed (27 percent) are really satisfied with the current state of maintenance of the city’s green spaces, 35 percent are dissatisfied with the maintenance or even very dissatisfied.


Currently Park Tiergarten Treptower Park Volkspark Friedrichshain
