These are the different types of sharks that you can find in Spain

On at 14:01


Sharks are present in oceans around the world, spanning different regions.

In our country we can find a great variety of shark species

Sharks are present in oceans around the world.covering different regions, especially during their migratory times that lead them to travel several continents. In our country we can find a great variety of shark species. These are the different types of sharks found in our waters.

There are various species of sharks thanks to the aquatic biodiversity that we find in Spain with seas like thel Mediterranean, Cantabrian and Atlantic. During the last weeks the presence of sharks on the Spanish coasts has been in the news, worrying many of the bathers but without any real danger so far.

Among the different types of sharks we can find the bull shark, found in shallow water from 15 to 25 meters. It is in critical danger of extinction and is common in the Atlantic Ocean, being sighted in the Canary Islands and the Andalusian coast. We can also find in the Canary Islands the giant hammerhead sharkalso classified as critically endangered.

On the other hand, we can also find this great variety of sharks: Angelshark, smooth hammerhead shark, great white shark, mako shark, blue shark, comb shark, catshark, vitamin shark, whale shark, basking shark, thresher shark, horn shark, black shark, Greenland shark, common Pailona and Quelvacho.
