These are the big changes for Prinsjesdag 2022 (especially for Amalia)

The past two years, Prinsjesdag has looked a lot more sober due to the corona measures. Now that they have been completely lifted, it can continue in the old way on September 20. This also means that the usual military ceremonial can be seen again.

Other location

Another change is the location. The king is going to read the cabinet plans this year in the Koninklijke Schouwburg in The Hague. For the past two years, Prinsjesdag has been held in the Grote Kerk, but this would cause too much nuisance for local residents and shopkeepers due to the large numbers of people. The Ridderzaal is also not available, due to the renovation of the Binnenhof.

Second official ceremony Amalia

It will undoubtedly be an exciting day for Amalia, as it is only her second official ceremony as a princess. At the end of last year, a day after her eighteenth birthday, she took a seat on the Council of State. She was then ushered in by her father and also gave a speech.

By the way, did you know that our princess Amalia is not the only princess Amalia? You will hear more about that in this video.

Source: RTL News

May 18, 2022
