These are the best Friday docs ever

The Friday dockers voted the best by the viewers will be seen today in one special broadcast.

Friday is hosted by Sean Ricks. Over

What unites the 27-year-old Isa43 years old Saul and a 12-year-old Eric?

They have all been aiming for their own Friday doc. These three short documentaries have been voted by viewers as the best in the program’s history.

Too scary kid, A heart left aside and Sex worker see you all today on the Friday special.

Eric Iljin stars in the documentary Too Scary Child. Over

In 2019, as part of the Friday program, a documentary called Too scary kid. Eric Iljin was kicked out of kindergarten when he was 5-6 years old, as his mother tells it. When school started, the teacher filed a criminal complaint against him. 25-kilogram Eric had kicked her in the stomach in a holding situation.

In the first grade, the boy was put on sick leave.

– The nurse told Eric that he is so sick that he can’t go to school, Eric’s mother Mirta Iljin says the reporter To Anni Tolose Friday docket.

Eric, 12, has Tourette syndrome, dystonia and dysphasia. The illness combo normally turns Tyyne Eric into an aggressive and profanity-shouting boy.

– Dystonia appears as a movement disorder. Tourette’s manifests itself in twitches and in such a way that I can swear, even if I don’t want to. Dysphasia is such that I understand something wrong, Eric tells the camera.

Sauli Paavola lives life alone. Over

Published in 2021 A heart left aside says Sauli Paavola. In his twenties, Sauli dreamed of having his own family. Now, at the age of 43, those dreams have already been buried, but he still longs for closeness.

Sauli has never exchanged a first kiss, never held anyone’s hand or dated.

– I have never imagined what First Kiss could feel like, says the unemployed computer installer Roosa Maskonen in a short documentary directed by

– My experience of life is mostly based on movies and games and other such imaginary things. There is so little experience with genuine people, Sauli regrets.

Isa Häkkinen is a sex worker. Over

Seen for the first time in 2021 Sex worker-docker, Isa Häkkinen, 27, from Tampere, receives a message from a potential customer.

– Hello, would Suikkari leave at three o’clock? this refers to a blow job.

When Isa replies that he won’t get any kind of services with that money and tells her to put 200 more euros on the counter, the man for some reason feels he has the right to express his opinion in an understated way:

– Fucking whore.

Fortunately, there are also factual messages, a lot. There are also examples of them.

Friday: The Friday dockers loved by the viewers today on TV1 at 21:05 & Areena. See all TV programs and broadcast times in Telku’s TV guide.
