These animals also narrowly escaped death

Lambie sheep that was rescued from a trunk, a frozen swan or a dog that was rescued from a dumpster after days. It often happens that animals escape unscathed after an adventure in the big bad outside world. We have listed a few happy endings for you.

Profile photo of Rochelle Moes

1. Cat Yoda back home after twelve years
Although it did not require a heroic rescue effort, the relief was nevertheless great for Peer from Oss. After spending twelve years on the couch without his cat, he had actually resigned himself to the idea that his beloved Yoda was no longer alive. Until he received a call from the Maasland animal ambulance. It took some time to switch gears, but they are now living out their old age together again. Nice and at home, in Oss, on the couch.

Cat Yoda is back home (photo: Maasland Animal Ambulance)
Cat Yoda is back home (photo: Maasland Animal Ambulance)

2. Dog Lilo was home alone during a fire
For Willie from Tilburg, her dog is everything to her. That’s why it was a real shock when her dog Lilo was home all alone while a big fire was raging next door. Dog scared, Willie scared. Especially when she saw the smoke coming from under her door. But once she was allowed to visit Lilo, her sweet four-legged friend turned out to be unharmed. He was just a little shocked.

Dog Lilo
Dog Lilo

3. Young swan frozen solid
We all have bad luck sometimes, but freezing in the ice is really sad. It happened to a young swan in Eindhoven. Ultimately, two firefighters managed to free the swan from the ice, but the animal was still too weak to continue its journey. At the waterfront, the swan was taken by the animal ambulance to gain strength. He is now swimming happily on the lake again.

Young swan rescued by fire brigade - photo: SQ Vision
Young swan rescued by fire brigade – photo: SQ Vision

4. Dog and cat rescued from the garbage compactor
Every garbage collector’s nightmare is finding an animal in the garbage. It happened twice this year that a four-legged friend narrowly escaped a gruesome death. A kitten was discovered in a garbage truck in Oss after it probably climbed into a wheelie bin. In Den Bosch, a dog sat in an underground container for days, probably after it had been dumped. It was a miracle that the animal was still alive when the container was emptied. Both animals were rescued by the garbage collectors who discovered them. All’s well that ends well.

Photos: Animal ambulance Den Bosch.
Photos: Animal ambulance Den Bosch.

Photos: Maasland Animal Ambulance.
Photos: Maasland Animal Ambulance.

5. Forest ranger saves twenty fawns from being killed by mowers
With a group of volunteers and drones, ranger Erik de Jonge tracked down a group of twenty fawns. He did this to prevent them from dying tragically because farmers started mowing the meadows of Brabants Landschap. All fawns were found and rescued.

Fawns in the grass (photo: Erik de Jonge).
Fawns in the grass (photo: Erik de Jonge).

6. After seven months, parrot Kim is back with her owner
Jo Bogers from Westerhoven was very sad. His beautiful blue and yellow macaw, Kim, disappeared with the northern sun in November. Until the phone rang, more than six months after the bird was last seen. The person who called was a woman from Heeswijk-Dinther, who had recently bought a parrot in Friesland. It turned out to be Jo’s beloved Kim.

Ara Kim is back with his owner (photo: Jo Bogers).
Ara Kim is back with his owner (photo: Jo Bogers).

7. Swan rescued from central reservation
Another injured swan. The animal was so helpless that the A50 had to be turned off in front of it. Due to an injury to its leg, the swan was unable to get out of the central reservation of the highway on its own. The swan was evacuated with the help of Rijkswaterstaat, the animal ambulance and a special swan bag. It took some time to recover, but the bird is now free again.

8. More stolen sheep in a trunk
Sheep Lambi from Boxtel is not the only sheep that has been saved from slaughter. This summer, three sheep were also stolen in Oss and hidden in a trunk. Three Romanian men tried to smuggle them across the border. The animals owe their lives to a border control, during which they were discovered by the police.

The three sheep were transported in the trunk of the car (photo: Royal Military Police).
The three sheep were transported in the trunk of the car (photo: Royal Military Police).

READ ALSO: Live sheep found in the trunk of a car on the A2: ‘Never experienced this before’
