These animal species are making a comeback to our province, but some are slowly dying out

For a long time, Dutch nature was so fragmented that large, wild animals could hardly find their way to the Netherlands. That is changing: slowly but surely large contiguous nature reserves are emerging in the Netherlands, with room for special animals. North Holland is also preparing for new, imposing beasts. What beasts can we enter our province?

Lars Soerink is an ecologist at ARK Nature Development and is concerned with nature in North Holland. He is positive about recent developments. Soerink thinks that the creation of larger nature reserves can ensure that special animals make their comeback in North Holland. Some of these animals enter the province on their own, others need a helping hand. Unfortunately, it is not only hosanna: there are also beasts who have a very difficult time.

1. The European fish eagle
This very large bird of prey is the largest in Europe with a wingspan of 2.5 meters. “This animal has already returned to other parts of the Netherlands, which is why we can expect the first breeding case in North Holland soon. It went badly throughout Europe, but now it is on the rise again. Also in the Netherlands. This is really due to the nature development of recent years.”

The European sea eagle

2. The Crane
After centuries of absence, this bird is also making a comeback. It is slightly larger than the stork and has a wingspan of up to 2 meters. Although it is often a migrant, they breed here more and more often. “Just like the European fish eagle, we expect this bird to breed quickly in North Holland. In recent years we have seen that they are having a great time in the Netherlands.”

The crane

3. The skate
It may be a bit of a shock if you encounter it while swimming, because this giant ray can grow up to 2.5 meters in size and 80 kilos in weight. This makes it the largest ray species in Europe. “This really is the underwater wolf. This used to be an icon of the North Sea, but due to overfishing this species has disappeared completely. The animal depends on everything that lives on a shellfish reef. Due to overfishing, all those reefs have disappeared, but we are working on them The chance is really plausible that we will see them again.”

The skate

1. The Dalmatian Pelican
With a wingspan of 3.5 meters, the Dalmatian Pelican is quite a specimen. It is even one of the largest bird species in Europe: “It can now only be seen in zoos. We know from bone remains that this species lived here, but we ate them all. Its size made it easy prey. Because “This is not a migratory bird, it needs help from humans. We want to release it near the IJsselmeer, where it will feel best.”

The Dalmatian Pelican

2. The wisent
From winged giant, to a giant on legs. The wisent, also known as European bison, is the largest land mammal on our continent. They can weigh up to 1100 kilos and reach 2 meters in height. “Actually, this animal is already back in North Holland. They can be found in the dunes of Kennemerland. We dream of a coastline with many more bison, and we expect to bring them back in several places. Besides being impressive, it is also very useful : our dune area quickly closes up due to nitrogen and these bison demolish and eat that crop.”

The wisent

1. The godwit
Unfortunately, not all species can be saved and this also applies to the black-tailed godwit. This meadow bird can only be found in the Netherlands. “This is our national bird. North Holland is a very important province for this animal, but they are doing really badly. The population is in free fall and the end is not in sight. Agriculture is so intensive here , this animal can’t compete with that. Enjoy while you see it, because it won’t be that long.”

The godwit

2. The Northern vole
This mouse species was previously called NH one of the Big Five of our province. “This is the giant panda of the mouse world. It really is a Van Dobben croquette on legs and can mainly be found on Texel. Their habitat has become much too small due to construction, among other things, and so numbers are falling enormously.”

The Northern Vole

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