These 476 websites may be stealing from you with cryptocurrencies and other currencies

The Mossos have activated a search engine with the 476 fraudulent platforms that they have identified in the framework of the joint transnational investigation with the Civil Guard and the police of seven other European countries against a criminal organization of global reach specializing in massive financial scams. As of this Thursday, the website of the Mossos d’Esquadra, in the Services and Procedures section, has a tool from where to look for fraudulent websites.

Anyone can check if they are a victim of any of the fake websites created by the organization to carry out this scam internationally. This is in link.

It is about providing a tool that allows citizens to consult fraudulent websites in the framework of this investigation and, in this way, avoid falling into the trap of this criminal plot.

Several countries

The Mossos have recalled this Tuesday in a note that during the investigation, coordinated by Eurojust, they detected hundreds of fraudulent web pages that fraudsters used to attract victims with whom they established contacts through call centersin different countries of Europe, such as Albania, Bulgaria, Georgia, North Macedonia and Ukraine.

Through a search engine, interested persons will be able to check if the websites with which they have been able to interact or making supposed investments as users are part of this investigation that has exposed a criminal network that could be found throughout the state have defrauded more than 17,000 people.

If it does not come out, it does not exempt you from being fraudulent

if the user enter the name of a website and the result is positivethat is, it is recorded in the Mossos databases, the search engine will report that the website is fraudulent and will recommend that the person go to the nearest Mossos police station or request an appointment to file a complaint about the facts.

Otherwise the search engine will result in the web that has been introduced does not correspond to any of the investigated. The fact of not appearing in the list, in no case will it represent that the web is safe to carry out investments, but it will mean that it has not been involved in this investigation.

In all cases it is recommended to the public consult official bodies State and European regulators such as the National Securities Market Commission (CNMV), an organization from which websites that operate with irregularities or without any type of regulation are also published periodically.


Before investing, you have to make sure that there is no scam behind it. The Mossos recommend not trusting websites that offer great returns and profits above the market. Do not trust calls from people posing as brokers offering investments either.

Investigation efforts are still active

Related news

Investigation of the Case Forex, held for the last four years, is still active and the investigators continue to make efforts about what has been the largest financial scam investigated to date.

So far, the balance of the police device that was carried out on the 8th and 9th in Albania with some thirty Mossos and Civil Guard agents, is the dismantling of the criminal organization, with six call centers dismantled, Two of the organization’s top managers were arrested and 155 computers containing very valuable information for the investigation were seized.
