These 14 homes will be located on the Delftsewallen in the Oude Dorp

Fourteen new homes will be built on Delftsewallen in the Oude Dorp. Townhouses and semi-detached houses are located in one of the most beautiful spots in our city.

There used to be a gas fitters house on the site that provided gas extraction in the village of Zoetermeer. The house stood on contaminated ground and had to be demolished. Under the name Fittershof, a new residential area will be built in 2023-2024.

Types of housing

The Fittershof will house seven mansions and six semi-detached houses, two of which will be located on the water. There will also be a detached house in the style of the former gas fitter’s house. This house, with an adjacent residential care location, has already been assigned to a care institution.

The project developer has placed an information board for the future construction site. On the website you can find more information about the new construction project and sign up for the newsletter to stay informed. On the website of the municipality you can view presentations during information evenings for local residents.

Start sales and construction

A number of permits still need to be applied for. Soon the website will be filled with new information. The sale of the project will start in June / July. Construction is scheduled to start in October. The sales prices are not yet known at this time.

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