Thermal mud: the benefits for getting back into shape

THEn a world where daily stress and tension are the order of the day, it is important to listen to your body and dedicate some extra care to your physical and mental well-being. There mud therapy it can be an excellent solution, especially in autumn, at the first drop in temperatures. Famous since the times of the Etruscans and Romans, thermal mud has healing virtues, regenerating and soothing properties. Total body. Let’s see them.

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Mud therapy: the benefits of mud on the skin

«The thermal mud is a natural compound rich in minerals and substances beneficial to the human body” begins to explain DMrs. Manela Scaramuzzino, Health Director of the Terme di Chianciano.

“WithClay and thermal water release healing properties thanks to the enrichment of mineral and organic substances such as microorganisms, microfauna and humus. This combination creates a microbiota which, matured and brought to the correct temperature, allows us to provide the best spa treatments”.

Thermal mud, an ally for getting back into shape. (Credits: GettyImages)

The expert continues: «Direct application on the skin, our largest organ, allows for absorb all the active ingredients and mineral elements present in the mud, making them beneficial for multiple pathologies and for the underlying organs, in particular the osteoarticular one” specifies the expert.

Thermal mud: arthrorheumatic ed hepatic

Muds are not all the same. «Devono their characteristics differ depending on the type of thermal water in which they are matured. In fact, the mineral and organic elements are unique for each thermal water, making the mud produced from it unique. The distinction is then given by the application method, which changes depending on the pathology or the district we want to treat.”

THE Chianciano muds, for example, «are muds with a strong calcium-salt component and indicated for acting on osteoarticular and hepatic pathologies: the muds arthrorheumatic they are ideal for problems such as arthrosis, chronic pain or algo-functional limitations. While, the muds liver they allow the liver cells to be reactivated and stimulate correct bile production.”

Mud-balneotherapy: the synergy between water, mud and massages

«Balneotherapy, or drinking water therapy, exploits the beneficial properties of thermal water to promote relaxation, regeneration and general well-being of the body” specifies doctor Scaramuzzino.

The sensorial spas of Chianciano (Credits: Chianciano Terme)

“THE Thermal baths, enriched with natural substances such as mineral salts, trace elements and noble gases such as ozone, allow you to stimulate the circulatory system, relax the muscles, relieve tension and promote the drainage of toxins. Particularly suitable for reducing stress, improving the quality of sleep, soothing muscle pain and promoting the healing of small injuries and inflammation.”

«Mud therapy and balneotherapy together therefore provide a powerful synergistic treatment capable of bringing greater benefits. The application of mud on the body, followed by a balneotherapy session, allows you to optimize the therapeutic effects of both treatments. The mud prepares the skin, opening the pores and removing impurities, and allowing the body to absorb minerals. The thermal bath, at a temperature of 37°C, stimulates the microcirculation and enhances the anti-inflammatory function, as well as providing a regenerating and relaxing action.

This combination “promotes detoxification, cell regeneration, improved circulation and a general feeling of well-being and vitality.”

Contraindications: mud therapy is not indicated for those

“The therapeutic mud, like any medicine, has contraindications: the main one is the presence in the acute phase of chronic relapsing pathologies, therefore the painful arthritic phase or the presence of general symptoms of inflammation, such as fever or flu-like syndrome” specifies the expert.

«Also be careful in case of heart disease or severe respiratory failure. There are also specific contraindications such as the presence of ulcers or skin lesions in the septic phase, or the presence of varicose veins.for which the contraindication is mainly given by heat”.

“The thermal mud is therefore a therapeutic act that follows precise and specific medical indicationsand its application must be preceded by a visit to a doctor specializing in thermal medicine” concludes the expert.

