There was enough noise during the shooting of the movie Kiljuset!

Actors Mimosa Willamo and Ylermi Rajamaa give their faces to the mother and father of the Kiljusten family. There was no lack of pace in the filming of the film.

If you remember something Jalmari Finnen The gentlemen of Kiljunen -books or a movie from the 80s, probably remembers controlled chaos. And not always that way.

No wonder the new You scream!– on the set of the movie The actors have frolicked on the deserted Linnanmäki, descended on cables from the window and frolicked in nightgowns in the heart of Helsinki.

Mimosa Willamo and Ylermi Rajamaa, who play the mother and father of the Kiljusten family, arrived at the masque at 2:45. That’s when the tram hijacking scene was filmed.

– It was terribly rushed. It was filmed in just such a slot that the sun is high enough to do it, but the first trams are not running yet. The time window was small, Rajamaa describes.

– At that time, the center of Helsinki was not yet filled with people. There were probably 30 assistants in that scene too. There was pressure that the first spores would come soon, Willamo laughs.

Mimosa Willamo and Ylermi Rajamaa play the parents of the family. Inka Soveri

The movie takes place in Helsinki. Tack Films

The parents of the fairytale Rennot

Both Willamo and Rajamaa felt the film’s script was fresh right away.

– Of course, this comes from an adult’s perspective, but I got the feeling that I myself would have liked to see such a movie as a kid. That’s a good sign for me, says Willamo.

Willamo states that in Kiljus parents never say “no” as a matter of principle.

– For me, it brings a nice movie magic, because no adult is that relaxed, Willamo reflects.

– Actually, that wouldn’t work, but that’s a fairy tale about if there was a family that sets out to make all the children’s wishes come true, Rajamaa says and states in the same breath that there would also be ingredients for a horror movie.

The Kiljus had fun on Linnanmäki. Tiitus Petajaniemi

With cats and dogs

The children of the family are acting Hugo Koivulehto (Cottage) and Nino Kroeger (Rumor).

Willamo and Rajamaa say that Koivulehto and Kröger immediately proved to be articulate and lively co-stars.

– I also take my hat off to the director To Reetta Huhtan that the Kiljusten family has six members: two adults, two children, a cat and a dog. It’s not easy with animals – especially cats. They don’t listen to anyone, says Willamo.

Sometimes the dog would bark throughout the scene. Even the cat couldn’t be lured to just the right place – not even with food.

– At least not when the camera is rolling, adds Rajamaa.

Pulla the dog is in the movie. Tiitus Petajaniemi

Gender roles broken

Willamo and Rajamaa reacquainted themselves with what was written more than a hundred years ago Kiljusten herrasväki books while preparing for their roles. The actors are delighted with how the classic stories have been brought up to date.

– They can be simple things: for example, that the president does not always have to be a man. They can be seemingly small things, but if there is a smaller audience, they will certainly build an image of a world where there are no fixed gender roles, Rajamaa reflects.

– It’s cool to be part of a movie that violates gender roles! Fortunately, they have already been broken in today’s world, but I think they could be broken even more, Rajamaa continues.

Mimosa Willamo plays Mother Kilju. Willamo will also soon be seen in the Sisu movie. Inka Soveri

Ylermi Rajamaa, who plays Father Kilju, read the original Kiljunen herrasväki books for the film role. Rajamaa continues in the spring with the Ystäväni pelikana performance at the Helsinki City Theater. Inka Soveri

Although many things are different in the movie Kiljuset!, the deepest message has remained the same.

– The core of Kiljus is in the family. They are a good unit. I’ve been trying to think of this movie as a children’s tip. In a family, there is unconditional love and the joy of being together, says Willamo.

He points out that the parents of the family are not from the most ordinary end.

– They are really impulsive and they are also allowed to be silly – it is not necessary to only give and follow authorities and rules. Children are often much smarter than adults, Willamo points out.

– They are a bit of an anarchic family, but there is definitely love at the bottom. Even though they are loud, they don’t shout at each other, Rajamaa sums up.

The Kiljuset! movie premieres on December 28, 2022.

Mother and father Kiljunen! Inka Soveri

Mimosa Willamo and Ylermi Rajamaa are happy with the fresh script. Inka Soveri

Hugo Koivulehto (Mökö) and Nino Kröger (Luru) star in the movie Kiljuset!. Tack Films
