There was a wild rumor about Cher – Now dispel the allegations of kidnapping

Singer legend Cher allegedly hired men to kidnap her son, who was struggling with a marital crisis.

Cher says she is taking care of her son. ZumaWire / MVPHOTOS

There were some wild claims about Cher recently.

The singer allegedly hired four men to kidnap her 47-year-old son Elijah Blue Allman.

According to the claims, Cher lured the men into a New York hotel room, where the boy had allegedly been reconciling with his wife.

The abduction is alleged to have taken place in November 2022. The allegations stem from a divorce petition that lists the ex-wife by Marieangela King statements on the matter.

According to King, one of the men involved in the kidnapping would have said that they had come there on Cher’s order.

“I am a mother. That’s my job”

Cher says In an interview with People magazine, that the rumors are not true. He declines to comment further.

However, Cher opens up in an interview about “a private family matter”. The singer says that Elijah’s drug addiction has caused him concern.

– I am a mother. That’s my job, trying to help my kids one way or another. When it’s possible to help them, you just do it, because that’s what being a mother is, Cher tells the magazine.

– It brings joy, even if it includes heartbreak.
