‘There is no smell in the denial of wife Theo Maassen’

Evert Santegoeds attaches little importance to the sudden denial of Theo Maassen’s wife. He states that this is a PR tactic. “She says something different in the texts.”


Theo Maassen has been portrayed by the weekly magazine Privé as a man who commits domestic violence and has broken his wife Joyce’s nose. What is that based on? A 120,000-word app conversation between Joyce and Theo’s former mistress Angela. What’s so weird? Joyce knew that Privé was going to publish and did not intervene at any time.

‘Very strange role’

The fact that a trio of women around Theo – his wife, his sister and an ex-girlfriend – have now issued a statement in which they deny everything is unbelievable, according to Private Boss Evert Santegoeds. “It is Theo’s wife who has spent a lot of time with Theo over the past two weeks and she asks: how do we deal with this?” he says. Show news.

He continues: “His sister is his manager and has an interest in not damaging Theo’s career. And the ex-girlfriend plays a very strange role, because she has told us a lot recently. She may have forgotten that, but we have not forgotten that and it is also on tape. In that respect, I am not worried if there are further steps.”

Joyce once intervened

Evert hints that Theo’s wife must have been manipulated. “Ms Maassen was told on November 20 at 10:05 PM that we were working on this story, which eventually appeared in mid-January. In all that time, she has not once said: ‘Don’t make a story, don’t use apps.’”

The whole story is based on Joyce’s own apps, according to the Private Boss. “And it was 100 apps of 125 thousand words, right? That’s a book. I’m surprised this response is coming. I understand him, because Theo is now mentioned in the same breath as Matthijs van Nieuwkerk and all the other people who are in dispute.”

Not stopped

Evert is surprised that Joyce seems to turn 180 degrees. “She certainly didn’t stop it and she also provided some information and contacted and spoke to one of Theo’s mistresses while we were working on the story. I am surprised that she allows herself to be put in charge of this task.”

He continues: “On the one hand, not, because it is her husband and she never reported him – and I also have some explanations as to why she did not do so. I would say: it was a bit quiet around Theo Maassen today, but it could start again.”

Broken nose

Joyce also states that she has never broken anything. “Yes, that’s strange, because she doesn’t say that in those apps. Theo has also sent very strange apology emails for someone who has never done anything and it is all there, so you would say: keep your mouth shut when you are being shaved, but he doesn’t do that.”

This story will continue, says Evert. “They know we have a lot more things in the desk drawer. I also don’t know what the outcome will be, because there are more people who know about it, who are now very angry about his denial, because he just doesn’t want to accept that there is something wrong with him.”
