There is a problem with the implementation of the new Squid Game

There’s a problem with filming the second season of the Squid Game series, NME says. BEWARE OF PLOT DISCLOSURES.

Released in 2021 on Netflix, Squid Game has reached international giant popularity. AOP

Streaming service Netflix’s most-watched series, Squid Game, is getting its second season. Creator of the series Hwang Dong-Hyuk reveals that the implementation of the new season is nutty, as the majority of the characters of the first season have died.

Squid Game is a fictional Korean drama in which the characters compete in a mystical struggle for survival. In the game, the Children’s Games turn into life-threatening traps, and the best-performing entrant wins a prize worth tens of millions of dollars.

Hwang Dong-Hyuk has risen to fame as the creator of the Squid Game series. Stewart Cook / Shutterstock, Aop

With the popularity of the series, the actors staring at it have become international superstars. Since the majority of the characters died, Hwang Dong-Hyuk admits he is vehemently planning how the first-season Actors could be utilized in the upcoming season as well.

– I’m going to try something to get them (First Season Actors) into the new season as well.

One of the actors that has risen to fame with the series is Jung Ho-yeon, whose role figure died in the first term. Now the creator of the series has revealed that Jung Ho-yeon may be seen in a new season as well, albeit in a new role.

– Maybe she has a twin sister, for example, the creator of the series hinted at.

Jung Ho-yeon has become a star since he was seen on Squid Game. Lisa O’Connor / Shutterstock

Only a small amount of information has seeped into the public about the reversals of the second season of the series.

– I can say that there will be more great games. Now there is a lot of work going on and I am collecting ideas for the second season. I haven’t even started writing yet, Hwang Dong-Hyuk suggests.

Source: NME
