“There is a linguistic ‘apartheid’ in Catalonia”

Alberto Nunez feijoo considers that students in Catalonia “they cannot have knowledge of Spanish” and that they suffer a situation of “apartheid”, in reference to the system of segregation that discriminated against blacks in South Africa between 1948 and 1993. The president of the PP has urged the Executive of Pedro Sanchez to present a appeal of unconstitutionality to suspend the decree approved by the Generalitat de Catalunya, so that “it does not come into force”. “But it seems that it is not going to do it. Therefore, we have a government that feels comfortable that a part of the national territory breaks the law,” he declared in an interview on Onda Cero.

Feijóo considers that, in communities with co-official languages, a “friendly bilingualism” to guarantee that 50% of the subjects are taught in Spanish. The head of the opposition has censured that Sánchez looks the other way in the face of the linguistic pact agreed by ERC, Junts, PSC and ‘comuns, which does not include the 25% of Spanish that a ruling from the Superior Court of Justice of Catalonia demands. “There is a linguistic ‘apartheid’ of Catalan boys and girls, who cannot have knowledge of Spanish in the classroom”, he has complained.

If the Government does not denounce him, he sand will see “the obligation to file an appeal of unconstitutionality”, when the legal texts are already firm, “to protect one of the two co-official languages ​​in Catalonia”.

The controversy over nationalities

In the interview he was asked about the controversy of the “nationalities” in which his general coordinator in the PP, Elías Bendodo, incurred. The number three of the party declared that Catalonia “is a nationality of the State” and part of his own colleagues stirred up to open that debate. In fact, Bendodo himself he corrected himself, erased the term “nationalities” and stated that “Spain is an indissoluble nation of 17 autonomies with their own identities”.

This Thursday, on the other hand, Feijóo justified his partner and recalled that article 2 of the Magna Carta specifically says that: “The Constitution is based on the indissoluble unity of the Spanish nation, the common and indivisible homeland of all Spaniards, and recognizes and guarantees the right to autonomy of nationalities and regions that make it up and the solidarity between all of them”.

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The leader of the PP has said that he does not understand specifically how citizens Now he has come out to defend the reform of that article and gives that debate to independentists and nationalists who are “in full swing” because of their alliance with Sánchez. The leader has not made reference to Vox, which proposes the same.

According to Feijóo, to explain what a nationality is, one must follow the “best doctrines” of the professors of constitutional law. “A nationality is those communities that had a Statute of autonomy before 1936, a nationality is a community that has principles, own culture and language. (…) The Constitution does not specify nationalities, but later the Constitutional Court understood that they can be specified in the statutes. Initially there were three historical nationalities: Catalonia, Euskadi and Galicia. Later, in Andalusia there is a social protest, there is a referendum, they vote ‘yes’ and it is a historical nationality. Later, in the statutory reforms, historical nationalities are included in the statutes of Valencia, the Balearic Islands, I think the Canary Islands, etc. … This is our legislation, “he said.
