There is a good chance that Bruno Martins Indi and Guus Til will make minutes against Wales

The Dutch national team is preparing for the fourth and final match of this international period. Wales is tomorrow’s opponent in the Rotterdam Kuip. At the press conference, national coach Louis van Gaal announced three basic players: Vincent Janssen, Matthijs de Ligt and Jasper Cillessen.

National coach Louis van Gaal – Pro Shots / Stefan Koops

De Ligt will even captain Wales. “That is a conscious choice. He is captain for a reason,” says Van Gaal. His position in the defense is still unclear. De Ligt himself let slip that he was centrally behind, but the national coach later hinted at a 4-3-3 formation.

In any case, the 3-4-3 line-up suits the selection well. “The match against Belgium was a confirmation that we are on the right track,” says De Ligt. “The way we want to play it is very offensive. That is also how the Dutch people like it. We put more attacking pressure and therefore our qualities are better utilized.”

Playing time for Martins Indi and Til?

AZ defender Bruno Martins Indi and ex-AZ player Guus Til made few minutes in the first three games. They only came in for a while in the game against Wales. “Just wait and see, then you’ll know”, Van Gaal answered the question whether they will start tomorrow. “Cillessen is fit and goalkeeper tomorrow. Janssen is also in the base, but that did i already tell you

“He fits in with my vision, but then Janssen has to carry out the job and tasks that we have agreed upon”

National coach Louis van Gaal

Janssen is mainly in the selection because Van Gaal is looking for a point of reference. “Malen and Bergwijn are different types. Sometimes we may have to go back to 4-3-3. And he fits in with my vision, but then Janssen has to carry out the job and duties that we have agreed.”

Process more important than results

It is important for the Orange that Wales will be won tomorrow. After three of the six matches, the Netherlands has a three-point lead over Belgium and Poland. “If you win, you are almost there. We don’t want to give up that lead. And our mutual result with Belgium (4-1, ed.) is good. But the process towards the World Cup is more important than qualifying for the next round of the Nations League.

“I’ve already seen some players drop out for taking a penalty”

National coach Louis van Gaal

Finally, it was about penalty kicks. Van Gaal wants every player at his club to practice taking a penalty. “That’s a tactical game. We’re all testing it now. We didn’t do that in 2014. I’ve already seen some players drop out for taking a penalty. They get a minus, because penalties are part of the tournament”, laughs the coach.

Penalty killer to the World Cup

Van Gaal plans to bring a goalkeeper who specializes in stopping penalty kicks to the World Cup in Qatar in November. “I want a penalty specialist in the selection. It’s about reaction speed, his reach and whether he can bring opponents out of their concentration.”

Netherlands – Wales starts tomorrow evening at 8.45 pm.

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