“There aren’t many things that could happen”

The internationally known cleaning queen Auri Kananen says, among other things, that she had to survive when she was 14 years old.

Master Cleaners Finland social cleaner known from the program Auri Kananen30, defeated his internal hell at a very young age.

Kananen says in Apu magazine that he experienced a reluctance to live when he was 10 years old. There were enough friends and everything was fine on the surface, but he still cried. The situation worsened when, in middle school, he started moving in suspicious groups, causing disturbances and using intoxicants.

At the age of 14, Kananen got so drunk that he ended up in a survival position, where he spoke about his suicidal thoughts for the first time. From there he was sent to a youth psychiatrist and the relationship with his parents worsened. The suicidal thoughts deepened, and Kananen attempted suicide a few times.

– I would have just wanted to die, Kananen recalls in the magazine.

Over the past few years, Auri Kananen has also given interviews to international media. Kananen’s interviews have been seen, among others, on the Good Morning America morning program and in the Washington Post, BBC, and Daily Mail newspapers. Pete Anikari

The healing began when she met a boy at a house party, whom she started dating, and a year later they moved in together. Kananen hasn’t suffered from depression that much – he finally had someone to be with and talk to.

Today, Kananen wants to help people like him by offering them free cleaning help.

– I can see from the apartments that most of their residents are depressed. They wouldn’t want to live like that. But depression changes a person.

Today, Kananen’s attitude towards life is more carefree.

– Life is not so fair. And I don’t want to put too much pressure on it. After escaping the inner hell of youth, there aren’t many things that can hurt. That’s what I am, Kananen concludes.

Source: Help


Don’t be alone! Comprehensive support is available for mental health problems and suicidal thoughts. You can find information about support services by phone, online and face-to-face in this story.
