There are young hoppers in zoos and animal parks

Who is looking out of the bag so curiously? Kangaroo Weeks in the Capital!

A yellow-footed rock kangaroo was recently born at the zoo. Good news, the species is listed as near endangered. “They are in serious competition with goats and sheep for food because the hoofed animals eat the kangaroos’ food,” says spokeswoman Svenja Eisenbarth.

► Offspring also with the Parma kangaroos in the zoo. “Reproduction is similar in both kangaroo species: shortly before birth, the mother animal licks a trail of saliva from the birth canal to the pouch – this serves as a guide for the offspring,” says Eisenbarth. “Immediately after birth, the young animal, which is about the size of a gummy bear, makes its way into the pouch”

After about three months, it looks out of the bag for the first time.
