There are two pubs in England and Wales | Buitenland

The distinctive British pub culture, also enjoyed by locals and tourists, is very popular. In the first few months of this year, he was shown in two pubs per day in England and Wales, according to statistics from the media, as reported by the BBC.

In total there are 383 pubs that will be published in the first half of the year, even though they are over heel in 2022 (386). In the tweede kwartaal trade he also nog a versnelling op ten opzichte van het eerste kwartaal.

The most pubs (52) are in Wales. Maar ook Londen lost 46 op amperes maanden tijd. As a matter of fact, the costs, charges and personal escorts will be incurred. This is why he is still in the trio of pandeigenaars who want to “cash” in the pub and leave the cantors’ house without the papers.

All seeds were there in June in England and Wales at 39,404 pubs.
