There are still a few free study places at the TH Lübeck

In addition to these four degree programs with limited places, it is also worth taking a look at degree programs with unlimited places. These so-called admission-free bachelor’s degree programs also offer the best supervision, application orientation and excellent job prospects in future fields.

Various bachelor courses
Technology that saves lives is developed by biomedical engineers. The bachelor’s degree in biomedical engineering uses the basic knowledge of engineering to develop solutions for medical-technical problems.
Anyone who wants to create the perfect symbiosis of technology and design is in the right place with the Information Technology and Design course, where they can create exciting multimedia products.
How must an ice cream be composed so that it doesn’t fall off the stick? Or: how do I make a fruit yoghurt that doesn’t mix the layers? If you want to develop innovative foods, you are in good hands with the Food Industry Industrial Engineering bachelor’s degree and should seize the opportunity to get one of the last places on the course.
Prospective students who, for example, want to enjoy a university education part-time or location-independent can apply online for free places in the Industrial Engineering degree. This bachelor’s degree trains students to become sought-after experts in corporate organization, controlling and accounting, among other things.
In addition, the application phase for unrestricted admission courses runs until August 31, 2022. Prospective students can register online for one of the courses listed below ( and send the enrollment documents to TH Lübeck by post. The admission-free bachelor’s degree programs are:

general electrical engineering
applied Chemistry
Electrical engineering – energy systems and automation
Electrical Engineering – Communication Systems
hearing aids
Informatics/ software engineering
IT security online
Media Informatics Online
Sustainable building technology
physical engineering
Renewable Energy Online
Environmental Engineering and Management

Aim high with the Master
Anyone who has already acquired a bachelor’s degree can deepen and specialize their knowledge in a master’s degree. There are still places available in the following master’s programs for the winter semester 2022/2023:

Applied information technology
Civil Engineering
Business Administration
Biomedical Engineering
Computer science/software technology for distributed systems
Media Informatics Online
Medical Microtechnology
Regulatory Affairs
Technical Biochemistry
water engineering
