There are now 8 corona patients – Hertha has the disease!

Eight corona failures in one game, plus the uncertainty of who can be tested for the next game and who might be infected next.

Coach Tayfun Korkut (47) stunned: “Before the Leipzig game, in addition to the two infected players, six more tested positive. That shouldn’t be an excuse, we accept it. It’s all about keeping the group together. Then you can get a little more and still not fall over so quickly.”

But why is Hertha in the Corona trap?

Korkut on the BZ: “We tested everyone who had symptoms. As of now, I don’t know who will play in Freiburg on Saturday, who I can field. Let’s see who comes back, let’s see who’s next out this week. Niklas Stark and Suat Serdar probably have the best chances of returning.”

Striking: With the exception of Nils Körber (25), Alexander Schwolow (29), Marcel Lotka (20), Vladimir Darida (31), Myziane Maolida (23), Marco Richter (24), all other Herthaners have already tested positive for the corona virus. At least eight members of the supervisory staff (currently seven) were also affected.

Is it all coincidence?

Korkut: “We analyze everything, take a close look at everything. Unfortunately, you never know where the person got infected.”

Manager Fredi Bobic (50) said weeks ago: “Corona definitely has an impact on the competition. I hope that at the end of the day you don’t have to talk about who did better in January or February…”

also read

► One game suspension for Herthas Kempf after red against Leipzig

► “We don’t whine”: Stumbling Hertha finally needs points

As of now, Hertha probably has the biggest corona problems. Or seen positively: Perhaps the Berliners will soon be close to herd immunity in the final sprint…
