There are many cases of crime and crime in Mexico | Buitenland

KIJK. Beelden tonen hoe dorpelingen en criminelen a big root fight start in the Mexicaanse dorp Texcaltitlan

Volgens de Mexicaanse pers waren de criminelen leden van de misdaadgroep La Familia Michoacana. These are based on the town of Texcaltitlan, located 130 kilometers south of the city of Mexico City, with the local population having money to make. The people who were guarded organized themselves to confront criminals.

Eleven criminals know how to live. Three other slachtoffers are in the region. There were four people there who got out of doors, and he also missed two of them.

A video from the various local media will be spread, today the moment before the confrontation. There is a lot to be had in Dorpelingen, where you can enjoy the sport and the Schreeuwen in order to have a cafeteria with a restaurant. There are a number of bells, there are lots of children in the city, storms in Dorpelingen and criminal offenses on the other side of the street with the people, stock and measurements.

It is known that drug cartels in Mexico have money from legal and illegal use. This means that these ranches, the borders of the angles that refuse to burn, are on fire.
