Theo Maassen storm will not subside: ‘Whole group of victims?’

The storm around Theo Maassen is not going away. Today Inside alone, the country’s most important talk show, talks about it every day. “There seems to be a whole group of victims.”


Theo Maassen thought he would convince the general public of his innocence with a statement from his wife Joyce. His management has sent a statement to the ANP in which they deny Privé’s reporting about his alleged domestic violence. And she has never broken her nose, she adds delicately.

Lid of the pan

Strange, because Joyce clearly says in the apps on which Privé bases his reporting that he broke her nose. In fact, Joyce knew that the magazine was going to publish those apps and asked the magazine not to quote her literally, but to paraphrase. Yvonne Coldeweijer has now thrown the entire transcript online.

Albert Verlinde thinks that Theo is now in a pretty tight spot, he says Today Inside. “Of course, the lid is a bit off now. You now see that once people start reporting… Now Yvonne Coldeweijer also has a source again, who then says that there is something there.”

‘It’s going to be difficult’

Host Wilfred Genee has looked at those apps and indeed sees in black and white that Joyce says that Theo broke her nose. “Yvonne has now also released those apps. If those messages are actually true, then it is difficult for the woman to deny that.”

Albert wonders who is spreading all this. “It also seems like people think: I want it to come out, you know? So that’s why it keeps pushing. I don’t know if it will ultimately be proven, but it seems as if there is a group that feels duped and thinks: it cannot be that one such statement is the end of the matter.”

Wrong addresses

Johan Derksen seems to find the disclosure of alleged domestic violence more damaging than the violence itself. “I find it so sad that that club drops everything at completely the wrong addresses.”

Albert jokes: “Well, if they want to report here, that’s possible, right? Well… If you open the mail, it won’t get through, I guess.”

Johan: “I think we should discuss this with each other about whether we take up that subject and: how reliable is it?”

Albert has doubts

Well, very reliable, says Wilfred, pointing to the transcript. “Even now that you have been able to read those apps?”

Johan: “I’m not interested in those apps. I’m not going to sit and read that. They just fight it out.”

Wilfred cynically: “They have already done that, I understand. (…) It seems as if there is some kind of pressure.”

Albert: “That’s it. That people say: it can’t be done with such a statement – you don’t know how it came about either. That’s how it feels a bit.”
