Theo Maassen messages are with the police: ‘Now prosecution?’

The infamous apps that serve as evidence of Theo Maassen’s alleged domestic violence are with the police. “Is he now being taken off the street? It could just be possible.”

© NPO, Private

Angela, the ex-mistress of Theo Maassen who is a whistleblower in the case about his alleged domestic violence, tells in the latest Privately that she reported her acquaintance to the police. She also provided her app contact with Joyce, Theo’s wife. In it she says that the comedian broke her nose.

No declaration

Angela actually wanted to report Theo, but that is not possible because she is not a victim. “Initially I wanted to report it as a bystander and witness of domestic violence, but later the detectives backtracked by stating that only Joyce can do this herself or when the accused is caught red-handed.”

She continues: “My story has therefore been recorded in a reporting report, which is not actively acted upon, but which can be brought up if a similar situation arises. It is important to me that this captures the authenticity of the app messages and therefore the pure intentions of my story.”

Police on the road?

Are the police now going to pick Theo up? “That also happened to Lil Kleine at the time. There was no report, but he was taken off the road because there were enough indications that something was going on. He was then detained and the investigation began. That could also be possible here,” says Private Boss Evert Santegoeds in the podcast Strictly Private.

The chance is slightly smaller in this case, says Evert. “It’s been a while, of course, so I don’t know if it’s appropriate to do it that way, but there could be a conversation, yes.”

What does NPO do?

Evert thinks it is a good thing that Angela has gone to the police. “The police can also respond to a report. I don’t know what they’re going to do with it or if they’re going to do anything with it, but the matter is now with the police. You can say that.”

Now that the police have been reported, there seems to be no other option left for both BNNVARA and VPRO to reconsider their collaboration with Theo. One broadcaster is working on a travel series with Theo worth around six euros, the other broadcaster has not yet ruled out that the comedian will also present Zomergasten this year.
