Theo Maassen does not want to respond to domestic violence: ‘He is resigning’

Theo Maassen does not want to respond to the intense article in Privé in which he is accused of serious domestic violence. “There is no other option than for him to stop as Summer Guests host.”


Theo Maassen’s career will never be the same again after the eight-page article by the weekly magazine Privé in which he is exposed as someone with loose hands. According to Evert Santegoeds’ magazine, Theo broke his wife Joyce’s nose and caused a serious head injury to a previous girlfriend.

‘Theo quits’

Theo wants it according to it A.D did not respond to Privé’s accusations, but according to ratings authority Tina Nijkamp, ​​he has no choice but to resign as presenter of Zomergasten. “I think Theo Maassen himself will say: ‘I will stop presenting Zomergasten for the time being, because there is so much going on now,’” she says in Tina’s TV Update.

She continues: “I don’t think he wants to burden the NPO any further, because they certainly can’t use this riot. They just had Khalid Kasem and a lot of riots last year. The report from the Van Rijn committee will be released next week, so they are certainly not looking forward to another riot, because they are already under a lot of fire.”

What does VPRO say?

The VPRO appears to have known about the allegations of domestic violence for almost a year. “In the spring of 2023, the VPRO was alerted to a possible issue that may have occurred in the private sphere of Theo Maassen,” the broadcaster said. know. The broadcaster then investigated whether misconduct had occurred ‘in our working relationship’.

And therefore not whether this took place in Theo’s private situation. “There have been discussions with those directly involved, but the VPRO does not make any statements about this in view of the private sphere. Taking everything into account, the editors-in-chief saw no reason not to engage Theo Maassen as presenter of Zomergasten.”

No denial

Now the VPRO no longer has a choice: Theo must leave, because potential Zomergasten guests will not want to be associated with domestic violence. And the viewer will probably not accept it either, Evert says in the podcast Strictly Private. “As soon as you see Theo Maassen’s head, you start thinking about this affair.”

Evert knows that the VPRO and Theo already discussed this last year. “They then had a conversation about it with Theo and confronted him about it. There wasn’t even a denial or anything, but he said: ‘We live together very harmoniously now.’ That was the end of the matter for the VPRO.”

Head in the sand

Evert finds that unbelievable. “If you bury your head in the sand at this time for precisely these types of accusations and accusations, then you do not fully understand the spirit of the times.”

Privé worked on these revelations for seven weeks. Actually, the story was supposed to come out around Christmas. “But then new clues and new stories emerged, then it was postponed again and now the time has come for the world to find the true face of Theo Maassen.”
