Theo Hiddema back at Harry Mens: ‘Beware of immigration!’

After a long absence due to his political adventure at Forum for Democracy, Theo Hiddema has returned to Harry Mens’ talk show. “Beware of immigration!”


It was a big surprise yesterday morning: Theo Hiddema made his comeback in the talk show Business Class from presenter Harry Mens. The reason for his long absence is that he was active for quite some time in the political party Forum for Democracy, which is quite controversial. And of course Harry doesn’t want to act as a mouthpiece.

Exiled Theo

Harry is happy that Theo is back. “I am very happy, and so are my viewers, that you can participate with us again. I actually think it’s fantastic.”

Theo: “Yes, I wondered what I owed my banishment to, but I understand that I’m here because your audience won’t accept it anymore, right?”

Harry: “That you didn’t come?”

Theo: “I think so.”

Harry: “You were in the old shoes.”


Theo is happy that he is away from politics. “Yes, that is a catharsis. That is a soul cleansing. I am the boss of my own yard again and my brain has free rein again. I deal with real people and real problems.”

Although he has left the arena in The Hague, Theo remains concerned about the issue of immigration. He thinks that the Netherlands will vote against immigrants more than ever. “You are going to have a complete revolution and it is really coming, namely that the voter will think before November 22: what will happen in the Netherlands demographically?”


According to Theo, we are being overrun in this country. “The voter sees that all that Middle Eastern misery is imported here by an unbridled immigration of only Muslims who come here and irrevocably end up in the lowest income category and create an underclass.”

He continues: “Ripe for resentment and prone to revenge from the Middle East via faith to here. That mixes with what is already here and you get an explosive mixture. The voter before November 22 may wonder about this, because we were not allowed to think like that, because then we would be racist.”

Extremely right

Theo says he has always warned about this. “We were not allowed to think demographically, because then we would be the extreme right. Well, they are now going to scratch their heads and see what is happening in the inner cities and when will happen and they think: I will choose a party that finally wants to tackle immigration.”

That could “bring about a complete turnaround before November 22,” according to Theo. Will he vote for Thierry Baudet? “You know, Baudet… I don’t hate Baudet. I just didn’t feel comfortable in his club anymore, I didn’t think it was tasteful and I thought they were abusing the Holocaust. That was at the expense of my own reputation.”

Yet he has not completely lost his confidence in Thierry: “He is not crazy.”
