Theo Francken directs the voluntary body in ‘Zijn’ Lubbeek: Does the idea go straight to Vlaanderen? | landlocked

Hervorming verkeersbelasting in Wallonië veroorzaakt kopzorgen: Walen zull dead 100 keer sea would betalen dan Vlamingen

In Wallonia krijgt de vorming van de verkeersbelasting felle kritiek. Before Minister Philippe Henry (Ecolo) came up with the plan for the coming up, which puts forward the own cars of large cars from 2023, more should be added to the own cars of smaller cars. “Het doel is om mensen aan te moedigen om minder vervuilende, maar also minder dure automodellen te kopen”, says Henry eerder from ‘RTL Info’. FEBIAC, the federation of auto and tweewielerindustrie, responsible for the same work with ‘SudInfo’ het verschil tussen de Bedragen the whales and Vlamingen want to betalen, and the army lays an enormous price bloot.

June 30th
